This is a picture of... from the left, Father Camacho, Father Nnaso, Bishop Doherty, Joe and Father Plesa. Fr. Camacho was the Priest who officiated at Joe's first wife's funeral Mass, our Priest is next, then Bishop Doherty who brought me into the Church, then Joe, and finally Father Plesa, who married Joe and I ....7 yrs. ago tomorrow.

The front two rows of our Church were reserved for family and friends. A row across the aisle was reserved for visiting Priests. The Mass was meaningful and beautiful. Sitting there in the pew, Joe and I were looking ahead at the stained glass windows..to see the sun shining through. The predicted rains never came. Our prayers were answered. When the Mass was over the packed Church made their way to the Grotto... on the hot sticky day. Cameras were snapping pictures and people milling around and trying to get a view of the ceremony. The blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Memorial Grotto, was so special. There were tears in many people's eyes. After the blessing, we all moved around the grounds talking to each other. Everyone was so appreciative and kind in their comments.
We made our way back to the Church and down to the hall in the basement. The huge room was filled with guests. The kitchen was full of busy women getting the food prepared and on the tables. The tables were laden with food of all kinds. Father Nnaso said the blessing and people started to form a long line. The tables looked so fresh with all the fruits and vegetables. Very few drank coffee...so the lemonade cooler was a busy spot. After we were finished, Father Nnaso read a few comments from Joe. He thanked all who had worked on the Grotto and the dedication ceremony and the women who served the food. He said that he hoped that a lot of people would use the Grotto for a place to bring their joys and burdens. Churches today are locked during the night, but this Grotto is open 24 hours a day.
This will be my last entry on this blog. I appreciate everyone who has read it and followed along with me on this journey. It has been something that I'll never forget.
I am sure the dedication ceremony was so nice and the Grotto is just a beautiful place. I have enjoyed being able to see your progress. Thanks for doing this blog so that we could share in the process with you.